Crestline Condominiums I


Location  |  Eugene, Oregon
Project Type  |  Multi-Family Residential
Size  | 
 Eighteen units, each 1200 SF - 1400 SF
Completion  |  Unbuilt

Architecture | Jan Fillinger; principal architect, Jay Elder, project manager Interior Design | Studio.e Architecture Lighting Design | Studio.e Architecture
Structural | Branch Engineering

Crestline at Colony Oaks includes three buildings with a total of 18 homes on a steep hillside in west Eugene. Every residence faces downhill to a preserved open landscape with large trees. The dramatic siting allows expansive views of the city below. To make the best use of the challenging topography, the complex is split into a series of structures that hug the curves of the road.

We developed a few different design concepts for this site while trying to find the most feasible approach to stabilizing the terrain. In this case there is a two-story retaining wall at the uphill side of each building. That allows the buildings to stay close to the street, and the third level has a carport with no steps. This tall retaining wall would require horizontal ties drilled into the earth. The later design (Crestline II) moves most of the retaining to the downhill side of the buildings, and that allows a more economical retaining system.

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