Sustainability Consulting

In addition to providing full service architecture design and planning, we also specialize in sustainable, passive house and high performance design consulting. 

All of our staff are either Phius Certified Passive House Consultants or Earth Advantage Certified Sustainable Homes Professionals, so we have a deep understanding of building science and the tools to apply it to our projects. 

The consulting scope is client-driven and can encompass a wide range of services, from minor tasks like window retrofit technical detailing to comprehensive early-stage feasibility studies aimed at assessing the achievability of certifications such as the Passive House standard for new builds, renovations, single buildings, multi-unit developments, or commercial projects. This includes near-Passive House level construction and the design of fully net zero or net positive energy buildings. Additionally, the scope may involve coordination with third-party certification bodies, including the Phius (Passive House Institute of the US), the US Green Building Council’s LEED program, and Washington State’s Evergreen Standard.

Depending on a client’s goals, we will design to the optimal level of high performance to meet their needs and take into consideration both upfront and long-term costs, building energy savings, lower embodied carbon of materials, healthy indoor environment and longevity.